
Revit to BOQ Package in minutes using API and Mail Merge

Here's my new add-in concatenateBOQ. It's for creating BOQ packages (both MTOs and QTOs) with corresponding images as a Word Document using Mail Merge in minutes.


BIM to Fabrication

I've got the "BIM OCS Network" up and running. It's been working continually for a few months and continuously for more than a month logging the sensors' data in one minute intervals.
The system works great and it looks like it won't need more modification / adjustment.
So it was time to build the casings. I've modeled the casings in Revit and sent them to Laser Cutting.

Revit Model of 1-5 Satellite Pods

 Revit Model of Logger Pod

 Revit Model of Gas Pod

 Revit Model of All Pods including the face plates of the additional Satellite Pods

 Sheet view in Revit. Exported to DXF for Laser Cutting.

 Parts arrived!

 Needed a little bit cleaning.

 Shaking the part / gentle pressure on the cut was enough.

 Here are the parts cleaned and stacked!

 And here they are assembled!

 Another shot..

 Close Up of Satellite Pod

 Close Up of Logger and Gas Pods

 Close Up of Satellite Pod

 Close Up of  Logger Pod

Close Up of  Gas Pod